Is there something special about today that I am not aware of ? Hmmmmmm, wait a moment, now I think I do. Today is special because God has given you and I another opportunity to give to the world. At the end of time, We won’t be celebrated for what we took from the world but what we GAVE to the world. Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr. , JESUS, Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W), Wright Brothers, Dr Mrs Stella Adedavor . Do you remember these names? They all gave something to the world. Some gave their lives.

What then can you give to the world TODAY?

Talent : No one is created empty. Something is within you. All you need do is to look within, that you might change the outside world. Yours might be leadership skills. The world needs leaders that will take us to God’s agenda for humanity. Don’t leave the world without taking us there. I am talking to YOU. You know its true.
Hey great teacher, will you leave this world without preparing this and the next generation for the coming task by instructing us on the needed skills and knowledge ? Please don’t.
Nike the singer, the world needs your music for healing.
Give what has been deposited in you TODAY, don’t wait till tomorrow.

LOVE : Love, Love, Love !!! Love has sustained the world thus far and now the world needs your love to continue. Have you checked on your friends today ? Well that’s easy to do. Visit those that are in prison. Give water to the thirsty, food to the hungry and clothe to the naked. Give that Word of Encouragement to the down trodden. Give all you can give. Love is exemplified by giving.

Give the world that idea you have been keeping in you, that next technology, that flying horse design. It is possible if you can think it. Anything that can be conceived with the inner eyes can be seen with the outer eyes.

The world needs what you have. Are thinking what you have is too minute to make global impact ? Someone is dying now because he lacks that information you call minute, that water you call small and that one loaf of bread you call nothing. NOTHING IS TOO SMALL

I have given you this spark TODAY, will you just sit down there without contributing to the world today ? Please don’t do that. REMEMBER, NO ONE IS SURE OF SEEING TOMORROW.
So Give, GIVE, and GIVE to the world and do it TODAY.

See you on the GIVING SIDE.

OJUTE, YOMI SAMUEL (Facebook and Twitter)
22E540C8 (BBM)

7 Principles Of Successful People

7 Principles Of Successful People

Success is not a function of luck, but the result of certain principles put to practice. Some people have understood these principles and put them into practice and it has resulted into their being successful. It is my intention that you also take this principles seriously and put them into practice to get the desired result of success. Let’s journey together.

1. Successful people ask questions. Asking questions lead to human development and growth. It unlocks understanding of a particular subject matter. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, is known for using the question technique in his argument. He says that by asking questions, he helps people to give birth to “new insights”. So, we can say that by asking questions we get new ideas that we never knew and guess what, ideas rule the world.

Someone said asking questions can be likened to a fishing line. While some questions will bring small fish ( small ideas ), more potent questions will bring big fish ( big ideas ). So the quality of the questions you ask, determine the quality of ideas you get.

Tony Robbins says “Successful people ask better questions, and as a result they get better answers”. Ask a good question today.

2. Successful people Read. Knowledge is the foundation of any kind of success in life. Knowledge is power and power is the ability to work and work is what produces success. Reading requires commitment and discipline. In fact, it is an habit gotten through constant practice. To reach the mark of excellence, constant studying and practicing what one learns is the pathway.

3. Successful people are hard working and smart working. Hard work is doing that which is necessary at the right time. Smart work is doing what is necessary at the right time in the easiest and best possible way. While hard work is more of a physical activity, smart work is more of a mental activity.
Laziness and success are two parallel lines that can never meet.
If success is your destination, then hard and smart work is the road that leads to it. Hard work is not stressful work. Stressful work is doing the right or wrong thing at the wrong time, or doing that which is of no importance.

“See a man diligent in his work, he would stand before kings and princes and not mere men”.
If you desire this, then work hard and smart

4.Success is a function of solving problems. Our relevance in life is a function of the problems we solve. Your wealth and success is dependent on solving human problems. All successful people solve a problem. If you doubt this fact, list ten successful people or companies and see whether or not their success and relevance is a function of the problem they solve.
Telecommunication companies like MTN solve the problem of lack of communication, Thomas Edinson solved the problem of darkness by creating the electric bulb for light, Mark Zuckerburg by creating facebook solved the problem of not seeing or communicating with old friends, creators of video games solved the problem of boredom etc.

Identifying a problem + Solving it = Success

5. Successful people think success. Your life can not be greater than your thoughts. What we think determines what we see. The wisest man that ever lived said “As a man thinketh, so is he”. Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. One great principle of success is to think success. You are attracted to what you think of. Human mind is a magnet that attracts what we think to us. Be mindful of your thoughts because it shapes your life. So, if you think success you will end up successful.

6. Successful people sow seeds out of their proceeds. Life is cycle. For the reason that our success is derived from people, we are mandated by nature to give back to people. It is a seed that always make a person more successful than the level a person was before giving. It is not just a religious law but a law of nature. Successful people through reason have discovered this truth and have put it into practice. Bill gate sows seeds through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Kanu Nwankwo sows seeds through the Kanu Heart Foundation etc. By giving back to humanity, we solve a problem which in turn makes us more relevant and successful.

7.Successful people believe in what they do. Before others believe in you, you have to first believe in yourself. You can not convince people if you are not convinced about yourself. So to sell your idea, product or if I may say your solution to a problem, you have to first believe in its potency before others would. Nobody will believe in your product if you don’t believe in it. Have selfworth and believe in what you do, and I assure you success will be yours.

Decision determines destiny. I have done my part by informing you, it is your part to put these principles into practice. Remember, where you are today is a function of the choice(s) you made yesterday, and where you will be tomorrow will be a function of the choice(s) you make today. Ultimately, it is up to you. Cheers !!!

Ojute, Yomi Samuel
C.E.O, Catalyst Consults

What Kind Of Life Do You Desire ?

What Kind of Life Do You Desire?

I have heard most people wishing to live long. Its a good wish and widely desired. I also wish the same for myself.

However, I place more importance in living well (Impactful living) , than lengthy living with nothing to show for it.

I know of a man who lived 969 years on earth with no footprint, and we have heard of people who lived fewer years with remarkable landmarks. This is the kind of life I desire, though with grey hair, which is a sign of old age.

A worthy and quality life is not measured by its duration , but by its donation to humanity – Sam Adeyemi

Moreover, when you live to touch lives and impact your generation, creation will have a reason to keep you alive.

Desire to live to impact and touch lives. This is the kind of life we are created to live. It is a seed that provokes unlimited harvest.

A mango tree does not exist for itself only. They exist to give you and I mango fruit to eat. We benefit from their existence. If advanced creatures like Man benefit from trees for food and medicine, are your fellow men benefiting from you ?

Don’t be a pocket, be a channel.

Live well and live long. That’s my desire for you.

You have just one life to live. Live it to put a smile on someone’s face.

Dare to touch a life today. Be more than a mango tree.

Ojute, Yomi Samuel
C.E.O, Catalyst Consults

Success By Association

Success by Association

“He that walks with the wise will be wise, but he that walks with the fool will be destroyed”- King Solomon

Man is a social animal. Hence he can not exist in isolation. He must exist with others for work, survival and many other reasons. In fact we are constrained to live with others.

However, we have the ability to choose who we associate with.

All men are created good, but not all are essential in making you a better person.

The kind of friends or association you are in can either make or mar your success in life.

Let’s make a quick assessment about your current friends. Answer this questions about them :

Are they better than you or at least are they on the same page with you ?

Are they and if not more, enthusiastic in achieving their dreams ?

Do they believe in what you do ?

Are they people that can help push you to the next phase of your life and vision ?

Are they optimistic people ?

Difficult but needful, if your current friends or those you spend most of your time with don’t meet this standard, then sincerely, you don’t need them in your life.

I know it could be quite hard, for your sake, it is essential. Success does not come by luck, it is a function of the decisions and sacrifices you make.

Make this sacrifice of not carrying a burden of crowd that will pull you back and keep you down, but spend time with people that matter to your life, push you forward and lift you up.

Note : True friends will always push you towards the great possibilities of your future, false friends will always chain you to the mistakes in your past.- Seth Brown


Kindly like my page on facebook : Catalyst Consults.

Also, I will appreciate if you can leave your comments. It makes me serve you better.

Ojute, Yomi Samuel
C.E.O Catalyst Consults

Success By Association

Success by Association

“He that walks with the wise will be wise, but he that walks with the fool will be destroyed”- King Solomon

Man is a social animal. Hence he can not exist in isolation. He must exist with others for marriage, work and many other reasons. In fact we are constrained to live with others.

However, we have the ability to choose who we associate with.

All men are created good, but not all are essential in making you a better person.

The kind of friends or association you are in can either make or mar your success in life.

Let’s make a quick assessment about your current friends. Answer this questions about them :

Are they better than you or at least are they on the same page with you ?

Are they and if not more, enthusiastic in achieving their dreams ?

Do they believe in what you do ?

Are they people that can help push you to the next phase of your life and vision ?

Are they optimistic people ?

Difficult but needful, if your current friends or those you spend most of your time with don’t meet this standard, then sincerely, you don’t need them in your life.

I know it could be quite hard, but for the sake of your life, it is important. Success does not come by luck, it is a function of the decisions and sacrifices you make.

Make this sacrifice of not carrying a burden of crowd that will pull you back and keep you down, but spend time with people that matter to your life that will push you forward and lift you up.

Note : True friends will always push you towards the great possibilities of your future, false friends will always chain you to the mistakes in your past.- Seth Brown


Kindly like my page on facebook : Catalyst Consults.

Also, I will appreciate if you can leave your comments. It makes me serve you better.

Ojute, Yomi Samuel
C.E.O Catalyst Consults

Your Generation Needs You To Succeed, Don’t Fail Them

Your Generation Needs You To Succeed, Don’t Fail Them !

It is no mistake you did not exist in past generations. You exist in this generation for a purpose. Everything that exists ( the bird, tree, land ) and that will exist ( ideas that will become a reality) will exist for a purpose. Its up to you to discover and strive to achieve your unique purpose, which is important.

Guess what ?

If you fail to achieve your purpose, you do not only fail yourself, but your generation and the coming one. Our success in life aids the success of others. The success of others is hinged on our success and otherwise.

Imagine, if Charles Babbage never conceptualized the first computer, will others ever try to develop it and will Bill Gate think of developing softwares that aid the functioning of computers which is the main source of his wealth today.

If Jesus never died on the cross, can we ever have the title ” Sons of God”. I’m just thinking.

Also think about this, if no one ever created clothes, you will probably sleep and go out naked. I visualize a smile on your face and a thought in your mind.

Because someone created this social media platform, I can reach you today. Therefore, I am a product of the success of another.

You have a product in you, which your generation and coming generation need to aid their success.

Its up to you to either aid them or fail them.

But remember, if you don’t, nobody might.

I hope to see your product in this world and not in the grave.

Have a productive day.

Ojute, Yomi Samuel
C.E.O, Catalyst Consults

Success Keys for 2015

2014 is long gone, it is now in our past and exists only in our memories. It was a year filled with ups and downs, but thank God we overcame, and now we are in 2015. Happy New Year !!!

Am sure we all want to achieve success this new year. Success in academics, business, marriage, health and career. One thing we must know is that success does not go to meet people, we have to hardworkingly go for it. So how do we achieve success in 2015 ?

1. Set Goals: Every journey has a destination, the destination is the goal of the travelers. 2015 is a journey, your goals are your different destinations. Goals give us focus and direction through the year. As the year goes by, endeavour to review your goals to know where you are and to understand where you are still going.

2. Plan: After our goals must have been clearly stated, it is important we plan how to accomplish them. Planning is the step by step process in accomplishing our desired goals. No nation goes to war without planning on how to conquer the enemy state, which is her goal. Similarly, all who want to achieve their goals in 2015 must plan to do so. ” It is not a game of luck but work”.

3. Pray : I’m reminded of a song which says “Prayer is the key………….prayer is the master key………..” Prayer is the key that opens the door to our goals. As one who believes in the existence and efficacy of God, and His ability to bring our goals to reality, when we hand it over to him as suggested in Proverbs 16:3, through prayers, I advise that we submit our wonderful goals and plans to the Great God who can make them work.

I have and also will still put all these to practice this year, so success will not elude me. I suggest you do the same too. Wish you a successful 2015 as you work these out.

Ojute, Yomi Samuel
C.E.O, Catalyst Consult.